The beauty industry hails the European standard of beauty. But one model, Gabriella Bernard, is challenging that. As a child, Gabriella had thick natural hair that had to be combed daily for school. She hated her hair because it brought her a great deal of pain while combing it. This led to her relaxing her hair which made her feel like a ‘Barbie Doll’. Gabriella liked her relaxed hair and was complimented by others, but it took a lot of maintenance and chemicals. In her adolescence, her curls would grow back prodigiously but she was still displeased by them. Later on, she began to question the constant cycles and need to relax her hair. These thoughts and questions stuck with her through university as she felt lost and didn’t have a personal brand as a model. In a bold and possibly risky move, Gabriella cut her relaxed hair and embraced her natural Black Hair. The natural hair that once brought her pain now brought Gabriella something truly amazing; self-discovery, self-love, and self empowerment. Gabriella was piecing together her identity and creating her personal brand based on her beautiful Black Hair. But was she willing to risk her Black hair for her modeling career? Language: English Year of release: 2018 Country of origin: Trinidad and Tobago Genre: Documentary Short Producer: Miquel Galofré
